WETHIO is the first blockchain built and based in Africa. Unlike most blockchains, it incentivizes cooperation among crypto miners by introducing a reward strategy for miners to cooperate in order to secure the greatest collective payout.
Zynecoin is designed to improve Africa’s economic standing and support African innovators and entrepreneurial ecosystems as well as humanitarian initiatives. By introducing a digital currency powered on its own blockchain “Wethio” in a decentralized ecosystem, Zynecoin’s innovative model seeks to improve transparency, security and enable smoother transactions across borders.
Ledger Live is the must have companion to your Ledger devices, the application allows you to manage quickly, securely easily your assets, so you can keep an eye on the value of your assets
To download Ledger Live go to
A- Initialise your Ledger Nano S
Follow the given tutorial to set up your 24 word recovery phrase and generate new private keys to access your crypto assets on your Ledger Nano S device
B- Update Ledger Nano S Firmware version
You need to update your Ledger Nano S firmware version to version 2.1.0 to use Wethio web applications, please follow the given link to upgrade
C- Install Ethereum and Wethio apps on your Ledger Nano S to use Wethio web wallet
Once you have followed the above steps, you are now reday to start installing apps and using Wethio Web wallet application using your Ledger Nano S
For more info to install apps — check
In this tutorial we will show you how to:
● Install the Wethio App on your Ledger Nano S.
● Login into your Wethio Wallet/Master with the Ledger Nano S.
● Send / Receive Zynecoin.
● Vote / Unvote on Wethio Master.
Install the Wethio app on Ledger Nano S
1. Open the Manager in Ledger Live.
2. Connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S.
3. If asked, allow the manager on your device by pressing the right button.
4. Find Wethio in the app catalog.
5. Click the Install button of the app.
6. An installation window appears.
7. Your device will display Processing…
8. The app installation is confirmed.
Use Ledger device with Wethio Web Wallet
You can use the Wethio web wallet with your Ledger device.
1. Connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S device.
2. Open the Wethio app;
3. Open the, select Ledger wallet ,if the device is recognized you’ll be prompted to verify your address as shown in the picture below:
4. After verifying that the address is the same in both Ledger and the web wallet click on the right button to the right; this will redirect you to the web wallet dashboard where you will have access to the account informations, such as the account balance, recent received and recent sent transactions.
Send Zynecoin through Wethio app in Ledger device:
After signing in with your Ledger device and filling the necessary data to send Zynecoins, a new Modal window will show you the informations about the amount to send and the recipient.
You will be required to follow the instructions displayed on your Ledger and verify that the information matches the information shown in the modal window.
Connect to Wethio Master:
Wethio master allow you to vote and unvote using a Ledger Nano S. Just follow steps below:
1. Connect and unlock your Ledger Nano S device.
2. Open the Wethio app.
3. Go to
4. Click on Login button and Select Ledger Wallet.
5. Choose the path m/44'/77777'/0'/0 if you want to use Wethio Ledger app:
6. Choose one of the addresses that you want to use:
7. Click unlock your wallet.
8. Approve on your Ledger device and you will be redirected to your dashboard:
Final Notes :
If you encounter any issue with your Ledger device and the web wallet, please join our telegram or contact us by email at